Monday, March 19, 2007

What Actually Belongs to the Jurisdiction of Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry?

This is my remarks on the article "Rais chides museum over ghost exhibition" in Malaysia Today.

It seems like Rais say many items are not under his jurisdiction.

In this case, he said:
“The management of state museums is not under the jurisdiction of my ministry. It is under the jurisdiction of the state government."

Aren't museums a part of "Culture", "Arts" and "Heritage"? How come they are not under the "Culture", "Arts" and "Heritage" ministry?

On the 'Lelaki Komunis Terakhir' movie ban, he suggested a viewing for all ministers. A lot of us thought the movie will finally be allowed. In many countries, this movie was well received critically instead of commercially.

Our hopes run too high. At the end of the day, Rais said that areas of movie is not under his jurisdiction.

I am confused with the term "Culture", "Arts" and "Heritage" right now. Isn't a documentary about history a "Heritage"? Isn't movie a form of "Arts"? No?

He is trying to apply this stance the second time for the "Apa Khabar Orang Kampung" movie.

It makes me think over and over again, what kind of real elements or work is under the "Culture, Arts and Heritage" JURISDICTION?

Chuah Cheng Bok Mansion
Suddenly, a thought came. The Chuah Cheng Bok mansion is under his jurisdiction. Although the mansion is regarded as a heritage by many, it was demolished last year. I am not sure but I heard that it was nominated using the Heritage Act.

Then Rais said, "not all buildings is heritage" after the demolition took place. I am not sure why Rais never mentioned it before the demolition instead. I am confused on what Heritage Act is for, right now, if it can't protect nominated potential heritage buildings.


A case of Tai Chi, lepas tangan, hands tied, inefficiency or any unseen unknown problem?

Maybe Malaysians here can try to evaluate his efficiency level.

Hmmppph.. now the jurisdiction begins..

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