Monday, March 05, 2007

Samy Vellu's SMART: They Can Go To HELL !!!

This article is written in response to an article in Malaysia Kini. You can view some of the responses in Lowyat.Net forum

For those not in the know, SMART tunnel is a Mega-project involving about USD 600 Million in total. It is the first of its kind in the world. It is so unique that "Extreme Engineering" of "Discovery Channel" is featuring it, placing it in the same league of heavy constructions like Tokyo's Sky City, City in a Pyramid and Transatlantic Tunnel

Bless you, Malaysia Boleh !

The function of SMART according to its official website :
"SMART is primarily a flood mitigation project being implemented by the Government to mitigate flooding in the city center. The project has a secondary purpose which is to act as an alternative traffic dispersal system between the Southern Gateway and the city center."

Let's all hope it really does what it is being claimed.

Being a Malaysian project as it is, it will normally involve a certain number of corruption allegations.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Youth vice-chief S. Manickavasagam said he would turn to the police and Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) if Works Minister Samy Vellu fails to reveal all documents related to the Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) project.

It seems there are discrepancies (including the toll fare) in the project. Mr Manicks said the revelation has to appear within seven days. Perhaps, time is already running out for the Minister in question. Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Naturally, when the press asked Samy Vellu about police reports, he said: "They can go to hell".

Wah, wah, wah, see what kind of Minister we have here? This is so un-professional. Speaking bad words, telling people to "GO TO HELL" in public. He should instead give proper replies or explanation.

ISSUE NO 2 (excerpt from article):
"I can also make a police report saying that they are trying to pressurise me into making public the toll rate, which has yet to be announced...that they are doing this by not following the government rules and regulations," he added.

Is there any law that says police report can be made for "pressuring" someone? I am always pressured by my bosses in my job, but then I still can't get them arrested (pun and sarcasm intended)

Maybe Samy Vellu can tell the Malaysian public which clause in Malaysian Law that provides for this so that we will not make criminal out of ourselves.

I know corruption is a serious crime, but I never thought "pressuring" is a crime. Am I right or am I wrong,?

Since Samy, he is an "innocent" (Yeah, hmmn, right, yes..) person, he should aid Mr Manicks in catching the "big sharks".

Why is he so worried with the police report Mr Manicks is potentially lodging if he is innocent?

Let Mr Manicks report and take the fall for untrue allegations. Samy Vellu did not practise corruption, right? (Yes, hmmn, ermm, ahh, ok ..hahaha, I believe Samy)

After all, there is nothing wrong with the reports and the toll rates, right? Samy Vellu is not corrupted, right?


I repeat...

IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG? Advise the press to ask Samy Vellu so that he can tell the public. We need to help him. hahahaha....

If a Minister cannot take the pressure, he/she should go for retirement. Get some rest. Especially those who have been in the Parliament for decades. If a Minister cannot perform at his old age, please give chances to others.

I am not anti-government. I am saying this for the Minister's own good (health).


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1 comment:

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