Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mengapa "Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan" Masih Wujud?

Blogger "Another Brick in the Wall" telas menulis artikel di Malaysia Today: Around The Blogs berkenaan pengekalan penggunaan Bahasa Mandarin dan sekolah Cina.

" Perhimpunan Agung MCA Kebangsaan ke 44 baru-baru ini mengemukakan 12 resolusi yang mana separuh darinya melibatkan isu pendidikkan. Salah satu dari isu-isu itu menuntut pengajaran matapelajaran Sains dan Matematik di Sekolah Cina dalam bahasa Mandarin. Dari sebelum Merdeka, sekolah Cina adalah modal politik yang tidak habis-habis dijaja oleh kesemua parti politik Cina - MCA, Gerakan dan DAP. Niat tuntutan ini jelas untuk mengekalkan identiti Sekolah Cina tetapi implikasi tuntutan ini melebihi itu. "

Blogger tersebut turut membangkitkan isu penggunaan Bahasa Mandarin dalam konteks perniagaan dan diskriminasi terhadap orang Melayu sebagai kesannya. Disoal juga mengapa Sekolah Cina patut dikekalkan walaupun ia adalah "legasi kaum pendatang" sedangkan kaum Cina patut berintegrasi dengan masyarakat Malaysia umumnya.

Penulisan ini juga boleh dibaca di halaman blogger tersebut. Tajuknya Disebalik Tuntutan Bahasa Mandarin Pemuda MCA

Merujuk kepada artikel di atas, penulis ini (Sagaladoola) telah membuat analisis dan inilah hasilnya:


Sememangnya ada sedikit kebenaran dalam pandangan "Another Brick in the Wall". Namun begitu, harus juga diberi perhatian kepada beberapa ciri-ciri kegagalan kerajaan untuk menyeragamkan sistem pendidikan di Malaysia.


1) Sememangnya idea Sekolah Wawasan yang diketengahkan adalah bagus.

Namun disebabkan kecurigaan dari segi pandangan kaum bukan-Melayu kerana tindakan sesetengah pemimpin di parti politik Utama Malaysia, tidak dapat dilaksanakan.

Kebanyakan kaum bukan-Melayu kini berasa tidak yakin terhadap tindakan kerajaan. Ini adalah kerana banyak laungan berdasarkan arus perkauman seperti "Ketuanan Melayu" diikuti dengan penggunaan keris dan kata-kata "bermandikan darah".

Menteri yang menggunakan keris bersertakan lolongan ialah Menteri Pendidikan sekarang !

Dakwaan ini bukannya tidak berasas. Sesetengah pemimpin Melayu suka menggunakan isu perkauman atau mengeluarkan buku 13 Mei dalam mesyuarat untuk menaikkan nama mereka dalam arena politik. Tindakan ini seakan-akan sudah menjadi satu budaya yang tidak sihat, namun masih diteruskan.

Saudara "Another Brick in the Wall", fikirkanlah kalau anda dilahirkan orang Cina diletakkan dalam keadaan tersebut, adakah anda masih ada keyakinan terhadap kepimipinan sebegitu. Adakah anda yakin untuk menutup sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan memberi kuasa pentadbiran kepada pemimpin sebegini?

2) Orang Cina khuatir, jikalau mereka membenarkan dasar pendidikan mereka dikawal oleh orang sedemikian, mereka takut kemungkinan didiskriminasikan dari segi permakahan dan sebagainya. Ini bukannya tidak berasas, tetapi kalau dilihat secara teliti, kebanyakan polisi yang diimplementasi mempunyai dasar-dasar yang tidak sama rata.

Seperti contoh, DEB yang pada mulanya baik dan disokong oleh kaum bukan-Melayu, dipusing-pusingkan sehingga ia menjadi alat yang menyusahkan.

Mangsa yang paling ketara adalah kaum bukan-Melayu kerana duit untuk menjana DEB datang dari titik peluh mereka. Majoriti duit cukai pendapatan datang dari kaum bukan-Melayu. Dengan berbanyak-banyak "bail-out", mereka sudah hilang keyakinan.

Fikirkanlah apa reaksi mereka kalau diberitahu pengurusan yang sama akan membuat polisi untuk Sekolah Wawasan?


3) Lihatlah keadaan Sekolah Kebangsaan kini. Kualiti turun mendadak sejak pengenalan KBSR / KBSM. Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan hanya mengalami masalah dari segi penguasaaan Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Melayu.

Ada sesetengah pihak yang suka membandingkan kualiti sekolah kebangsaan Malaysia dengan sekolah di benua Afrika.

Semua orang tahu bahawa kebanyakan negara Afrika adalah mundur.

Pendidikan membentuk masa hadapan anak-anak. Adakah anda akan berasa yakin meletakkan masa depan anak-anak anda kepada pengurusan sebegitu?


4) Terdapat unsur-unsur negatif yang diterapkan dalam isikandungan pendidikan. Ini menambah kepada dasar tidak yakin kaum bukan-Melayu terhadap menyerahkan seratus-peratus pengendalian pendidikan kepada kerajaan.

Link 1: Biro Tatanegara Spread Racist Teaching (Biro Tatanegara sebarkan ajaran negatif perkauman)
Link 2: Biro Tatanegara sebarkan ajaran, pemikiran yang melampau?

Ini adalah antara sebab utama mengapa kaum bukan-Melayu ingin meneruskan sistem pendidikan jenis kebangsaan. Penulis merasakan pendirian ini tidak akan bertukar sehinggalah politik pemerintahan berteraskan laungan politik perkauman dimansuh atau dihapuskan.

Sila jangan lihat penulisan ini sebagai satu sindiran. Sekiranya, keadaan di atas boleh diperbaiki, maka, keyakinan kaum bukan-Melayu akan bertambah untuk merealisasikan Sekolah Wawasan.

Namun begitu, penulis ini bersetuju bahawa kriteria "Mandarin is required" (Bahasa Mandarin diperlukan) untuk kemasukan ke syarikat swasta tidak sepatutnya berlaku. Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia ialah Bahasa Melayu. Orang Cina sepatutnya menghormati pendirian ini sebagaimana termaktub dalak konteks "kontrak sosial".

Orang Melayu pula patut melupuskan kriteria "Bumiputras only can apply" (Pekerjaan untuk bumiputra sahaja) terutamanya di syarikat GLC dan sektor kerajaan.

Adalah tidak adil jika dikatakan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan dikatakan mengajar perkara yang tidak baik untuk perpaduan negara. Seorang penulis berbangsa Melayu berpendidikan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) mengutus surat kepada Malaysiakini ( bersubjekkan "Terima kasih, sekolah Cina!". Penulis bernama Ngo Yian Jee pula dalam surat yang lain menyatakan yang berikut:

" Jika dikaji dari silabus mata pelajaran SRJK(C), boleh didapati bahawa unsur-unsur perpaduan awal-awal lagi telah ditekankan dalam semua aspek dari segi permahaman, saling menghormati antara kaum hinggalah ke seni budaya dan adat-istiadat pelbagai kaum.

Pengajaran Bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa rasmi negara juga diberi pernekanan yang secukupnya supaya semua pelajar akan faham, fasih, malah menghayati kecantikan Bahasa Malaysia.

Tengok, bukankah sebagai seorang warga negara yang berbangsa Cina, saya, boleh menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia dengan begitu lancar sekali? Walaupun tidak sebaik mana, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya boleh menyampaikan segala yang ingin disampaikan.

Jika khuatir, pergilah tanya mana-mana murid sekolah SRJK(C), manakah tanahairmu? Jawabnya pasti Malaysia. Siapakah Bapa Kemerdekaan negara? Jawabnya pasti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Tiada seorang pun murid SRJK(C) yang tidak tahu nyanyi lagu ‘Negaraku’ kerana seperti di sekolah kebangsaan, ‘Negaraku’ dinyanyikan setiap kali perhimpunan diadakan. "

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Protest Music and Freedom of Speech

Musicians and Political Protest
I am reading this letter featured in Malaysiakini , Art for political protest will soon be more popular written by an anonymous "Absolute Freedom" on Aug 20, 07 3:28pm. Finally, a chance to write about something that I like, "Music" !

" Remember Bruce Springsteen's ‘Born in the USA’ single? Anyone reading the lyrics will realise that Springsteen was protesting about the selling-out of the American dream - a Vietnam War veteran's alienation by his own country. And recall that iconic album poster with the back view of a man in denim jeans and white T-shirt standing facing the Stars and Stripes?

Notice how one hand could be seen and the other not? Till today, no one has yet managed to convince me that the image cannot be that of a man urinating on his country's flag. Or have we forgotten the Sex Pistol's rendition of ‘God Save the Queen’? Namewee's ‘Negarakuku’ is kindergarten stuff compared to that.

Or Jimi Hendrix's guitar solo of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ during the Vietnam War years?

Anyone who knows rap, know's that rap language is stark, ‘in your face’ and in extreme cases, outright violent. There is no room for euphemisms in rap - you just tell it as it is from your own perspective. I am not a fan of rap but I acknowledge that is a form of protest music that grew out of the black ghettos of the US where a marginalised community (the Afro-Americans) live. Just as reggae and ska are protest music from the Caribbean.

Jazz and Rock Musicians Exercise Democracy
To top off on that, there is another article from Dr. Azly Rahman in Malaysia Today, titled " Learn Democracy from jazz and rock " in March 2007. He stated that jazz is a form of "democracy in music". Jazz arrangements can be improvised as it is played rather than constrained by the original decided form as evident in classical music.

This is what I wrote in reply:
" In the history of jazz and blues, there is something called "protest songs".

The most famous of it being the "anti-lynching" song sung by the famous Lady Day, Billie Holiday.

It goes by the title of "Strange Fruit"

Lyrics by Lewis Allen:
Southern trees bear strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.

The strange fruit mentioned refers to the corpse of those killed by lynching.

"Protest songs" is part of the democracy underline. In the early days of American Independence, racism existed. African Americans were lynched publicly on trees for purported wrongdoings by White Supremacists.

The amazing part is Lady Day, with her limited vocal octave (one and a half) managed to make the song with rather short lyrics work with her legendary "emotional singing" style. The end of the song leaves you with a sense of bitterness. As bitter as the crop described.

Great artistry meets democratic expression.

When this song broke out in public, many did not know how to make of it. After some time, a lot of the listeners applauded her for such bravery to perform. Some Northern Americans (including White Americans) and African Americans gave her the support she deserved.

Another highlight is Lady Day was never arrested for singing that song.

With such impact, this brings to question whether the "anti lynching" activities managed to stop because of this song.

The fact is, it didn't happen immediately. However, the presence of this song managed to help in a nationwide campaign against public lynching. It brought to the nation, the seriousness and evil of such activities.

The engines started to work and the people made aware start to unite and work cohesively against it.

It maybe a long walk towards real democracy but it is certainly worth the effort.

There's a lot more about jazz, such as "free jazz" and "avant garde jazz" and "jazz rock". Jazz came from America and all of these sub-genres represent how 'democracy in music' allows great works to come about.

Naturally, there would be some quarters who complained that the western world is using music as a propaganda. I made a brief comment to that illogical claim:

" It is unfair to say the jazz and rock 'messiahs' that we mentioned are selling the US propaganda.

In fact, there are those from these so-called jazz and rock messiahs who criticised the US government in concerts and their lyrics.

Some artistes are considered by the US government as threat.

Look at Rage Against The Machine, 'Skinny Puppy'...

Listen to Billie Holiday ...

Bear in mind, not all Jazz and Rock Messiahs are White. Not all of them are Americans.

Future of music as a protesting mechanism in Malaysia
I end this with important excerpts from Art for political protest will soon be more popular from Malaysiakini :

" It's time Malaysians get to grips with the use of art and music to deliver political protest. This latest brouhaha with Namewee's ‘Negarakuku’ should be seen in the broader context of art being used for political protest.

We (Malaysians) seem to have selective thin skins. We are thin-skinned when criticism is directed at our narrowly-defined communities. But we seem to be thick-skinned when the criticism is directed at another community. It also reflects the failure of the BN government, after 50 years of independence, to forge a broader Malaysian identity that overrides our narrower ethnic and religious tribalism.

If you didn't protest when an Umno youth leader unsheathed a kris at an Umno general assembly or when they tore down temples across Malaysia, then you'd be a hypocrite to cry foul at a young man's rap who tells it like it is from his point of view. As I said ‘his point of view’ - it is neither right nor wrong. Just his point of view.

I believe that God put the different communities together in Malaysia so that we'd act as a check and balance on each other: Whenever one community gets too arrogant, the other communities act as a mirror to reflect the true image of that one community - beauty, warts, pimples and all.

Let's not miss the bigger picture in all of this. One of the pillars of our constitution is freedom of speech. The BN government will have us believe that our constitutional freedom of speech is not absolute, that we have to worry about the sensitivities of the various communities.

That is only true when communities feel insecure and threatened - a constant given BN's preference in following their white master's colonial ‘divide and rule’ policy in playing on narrow communal fears in order to secure the vote. If I am secure in my identity (ethnic, religious etc), no person's words can harm me.

Either you have it or you don't. There's no such thing ‘limited freedom of speech’. The more astute of your readers will also note that Umno leaders are able exercise absolute freedom of speech in spouting racial and religious hatred with impunity but insist that the rest of us toe the line of ‘limited freedom of speech’ which the threat of sedition hanging above our heads. Such hypocrites!

Namewee's criticism is not something new. One year ago (2006) in June, this song titled "UMNO New Theme Song" appeared in YouTube.

The artiste, Hattan sang his interpretation of Negaraku in 2005. Although Hattan is not singing a protest song, the Malaysiakini letter noted these points:

1) " The question of whether the singer had humiliated the national anthem by his singing would not have been a national issue if it had not been raised in Parliament. Such pettiness. "

2) " Surely our members of parliament should raise more important issues which affect their constituencies like rampant corruption, abuse of power by the high and mighty, price increases, all which affect a majority of the common people. Not on whether the NegaraKu was sung off key. "

Do you notice anything familiar between Namewee's and Hattan's cases ?

Namewee has apologised. I am very sure he will exercise more subtlety if he wants to address issues in the future. Perhaps, it is time to carry on with our lives on more pressing matters.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Namewee Should Sue Those Who Defamed Him

Malaysiakini reported: Cabinet rejects apology from rapper Namewee for his infamous (or famous depending on individual preference) rap song Negarakuku.

ISA Which Part?
In the beginning there were calls from many politicians to utilise Internal Security Act on Namewee. Seriously, when those threats were made, I was not surprised. After all, it has become a norm of an abnormal democracy to utilise draconian acts on a common disgruntled citizen of Malaysia. How much of "security" damage can a 24-year old man who has no known links to communist or terrorist organisation do? I recall Internal Security Act was meant to counter such organisations. Namewee is just a dissatisfied Malaysian student completing his studies in Taiwan.

Seditious? Who is Seditious?
Other than that, there were calls for the execution of Seditious Act. It was claimed by several politicians and spunned or perceived by several newspapers that Namewee sang about corruption and insulted Islam. I have seen the Youtube MTV. I do not recall any mention of bribery or illegal transaction of money or materials to settle matters. There was of course, a mention of fostering good relationship between a citizen and the police over a cup of coffee or tea. Is this a form of corruption? Come on, be serious! How much can a cup of coffee or tea cost?

Then there was a mention that he insult Islam by his descriptions on azan:
" Pukul 5 pagi, Ada morning call akan suruh aku bangun
Kadang-kadang beberapa ‘buah’ nyanyi sama-sama
macam tengah duet lagu cinta R&B
Suara tinggi rendah macam tengah nyanyi R&B
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka out of tune
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka pecah suara
Ada juga suara yang macam kokokan ayam tetapi dia bangun lagi awal dari ayam
Macam ini baru kite tahu mase untuk bersiap ke sekolah dan kerja

I wonder in which sense did he insulted Islam? He is merely describing azan as how he views it. Indeed azan is around 5 a.m. in the morning. Due to the timing, when "azan" is being broadcasted through the speakers, the non-Muslims would have heard it and know it is time to wake up and prepare for the day. There is nothing negative about this statement. When "azan" is recited, it can be heard that there are certain accompanying melodies, rhythms and tempo. He is merely describing how azan sounds like. He did not say azan is bad or Islam is evil. Which part of the lyrics is insulting Islam, may I ask?

As for insulting Malay, so far I have only heard people making this claim this but could not pass a proper argument to stake it.

Then there are those who say the word "Negarakuku" is negative. The basis is "kuku" means "cuckoo" and the nation was said to be insinuated by Namewee as "gila" or crazy. I did not read it anywhere that Namewee agreed to this interpretation. Why didn't the mainstream media mention that "kuku" can mean "nails" in Bahasa Malaysia? The song is sung in rap, the mixing hip hop, a popular song genre among the young these days. There are times when the word "ku" which is an abbreviated form of "aku" is repeated twice. So, the title can also be perceived as "Negaraku,ku".

The rap, hip-hop single of Chingy's Right Thurr peaked at #2 on the U.S. Hot 100 and #17 on the United Kingdom pop charts. The song is a good example of the fur-fair merger (merging "there" and "thurr") that is becoming prevalent in African American Vernacular English. It is also an exaggeration of AAVE accents in St. Louis where Chingy is from. Another song in the single is titled "Mobb Wit Me". Now, what was that supposed to mean? Frankly, I do not see anything negative with Chingy's usage of words.

There are those who say "kuku" also means "penis". Shahnon Ahmad, a famous author who released the famous book "Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan". The book is not banned. Can we perceive the word "Ranjau" as "penis"? I do not find that logic or applicable in law.

Perhaps, Namewee should sue politicians and papers who slandered him under the Defamation Law in Malaysia.

A police report can also be lodged if Namewee finds the slanders made by those people are
seditiously disrupting to national harmony.

Negaraku or Mamula Moon?
Finally, almost after a week of intimidating calls to use draconian acts, some so-called "great minds" have changed their decision. Instead of ISA or/and SA, National Anthems Act would be used. How come? I thought some people screamed and shrieked of those "powerful" ISA and SA laws?

A search through the net landed me in this spot. This is what National Anthem Act is all about. Endorse it:

The public now is waiting in bated breath on how the government is going to persecute Namewee as some quarters in the internet claimed that Namewee is using the Mamula Moon melody instead of national anthem "Negaraku". This is what I get after a search through Google :

Mamula Moon is a Hawaiian song sung by Felix Mendelssohn and the Hawaiian Serenaders

You can buy Felix's CD in CD Universe online. There are other Hawaiian songs beside Mamula Moon. Songs recorded before Merdeka (between 1939 to 1947).

Apology and double standards
In a tolerant move, Namewee apologised to the nation for those who feel offended by his rap song. I support Namewee's move. We thought the issue would be laid to rest. No, the cabinet is not ready to let him go with that.

What about these? The government should pay attention to these matters first. To date, there are no official apologies from KPMU yet:
Malaysia, a land of double-standards

KPMU's (U of UMNO) Shocking View on Christianity

Dr. Ng Seng's Seditious Posting on Office of the Prime Minister's Office Site

In terms of politics, Khairy Jamaluddin also hasn't apologised for his racial slurs he made against the Chinese last year [incidentally, Rustam Sani mentioned KJ's refusal to apologise in his posting; read here]. Leadership should be "by example".

Namewee's apology should be accepted and the case should be closed if the government intends to preserve the "honour" of the country.

Additional links
Namewee's rap song "Negarakuku" with English translation

Namewee appears on Taiwan TV

Namewee: a song on his potential arrest : Green, Green Grass


Negarakuku Lyrics Script by Namewee

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dr M Supports Bloggers! Bloggers United!

Malaysiakini reports Dr M: Bloggers are only hope left
by Andrew Ong on Aug 15, 07 9:17pm
As Umno musters its forces against the emergence of bloggers, the party’s former president Dr Mahathir Mohamad is urging online dissidents to keep up the pressure on the government.
-> ‘Umno completely paralysed’
-> Gather force, bloggers told

Blackinkorea has the full text of the report that describes why Dr M said "Umno is paralysed".

The ex-Prime Minister, who was also the ex-President of UMNO had this key point to highlight:
“UMNO has become completely paralysed. It cannot do anything (to correct itself). The only hope left is with the bloggers,” said Mahathir during a two-and-a-half hour speech to some 100 bloggers at the Perdana Leadership Foundation headquarters in Putrajaya.

Mahathir was speaking on the perceived intolerance of UMNO’s leadership towards criticism on allegations of corruption, cronyism and nepotism.

Other related news:
16/08: Mahathir blames rising crime on 'rot' under govt (The Straits Times)
15/08: “There is something rotten in state of Malaysia, today" (Biggum Dogmannsteinberg)

Malaysia Today is running a recording of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the Perdana Leadership Foundation (VIDEO) .

I believe Dr. M is trying to say that Malaysian citizens should play a role in doing what the government is supposed to be doing but not performing accordingly. After all, most, if not almost all socio-political bloggers writing about Malaysia are Malaysians.

As the proverbs say, the pen is mightier than the sword. Blogging, which is equivalent to writing in the internet would be a better way to impact a peaceful change to inefficient governance rather than violent resolutions.

Blogging has brought many nations with suppressed voices to a new level of freedom. Citizens of Iran, Singapore and Malaysia endorsed the trend with open arms. Iran is the third largest country of bloggers according to wikipedia. Although blog was initially used to write about personal subjects, it has now turned to an important domain to express dissent and opinions. Certain people with better resources use blogs to expose corruption, accompanied by documents. Most of the time, these writings are not available in tightly-controlled mainstream mass media. With the presence of the PPPA ,that requires annual renewal of media license, Malaysia holds true to a certain degree of mind-boggling self-censorship.

In these recent times, there were calls from certain quarters of the government to utilise the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) against certain bloggers. Dearly shocking! Using imprisonment without trial on Malaysian citizens who merely write? If bloggers are slandering, there are existing defamation and libel laws to be used. It is not necessarily to invoke ISA. ISA is intimidating. ISA is meant for people like communists or foreigners spying on Malaysia. Why should such laws which are meant to protect Malaysian citizens be used against Malaysian bloggers @ Malaysian citizens?

Malaysian citizens are not enemies of the state. Corruption is. Convince the bloggers that the government is cleaning up. If it happens, bloggers will write good things about this government vice versa. ISA-ing writers incurs more anger and dissatisfaction that contributes more negative articles. Such is the rule of psychology.

Maybe, the government is feeling the mounting pressure from citizens; Citizens who blogs, love the nation and yearn for a drastic change to save Malaysia. A shift to propel the country to become a first world country, currently hindered by massive corruption, cronyism, nepotism, incompetence and low quality buildings, products and services with a first world cost funded by the blood and sweat money of taxpayers.

After all, behind every cloud is a silver lining. The pressure is getting high. The climax is getting near. Maybe the usage of ISA is the last straw symbolizing an up-and-coming successful reform. ISA is the most draconian and merciless law of the land. What would one use after ISA?

As Dr. M says, "The only hope left is with the bloggers".

Write for your nation!

Bloggers @ Citizens United !!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

False Blogs to Frame You and Police Reports

2007 is truly the grand year of Political Police Reports . As we are on the way to arrive at the 50th Merdeka this 31st August, which will be celebrated in a "controlled" way, the massive "orgy" of reports is alarming.

After nearly 2 months, the reports "orgasm" is not stopping yet. Still attempting terribly to blog all of them, another 2 more was just lodged.

REPORT 1: Malaysia Today: NGOs lodge report against Umno info chief

Charles Santiago, the coordinator of the Group of Concerned Citizens, led about 10 people to lodge the report in the district police headquarters here at about 10.30am.

"His statement is highly irresponsible as it is suggestive and creates fear and disharmony among citizens," Santiago told theSun.

In a press conference after the Kelana Jaya Umno meeting on Sunday, Muhammad said he was concerned that a RIOT could erupt if no action is taken against bloggers and people who posted information or opinions on the Internet which humiliate religion or other races.

The News Speculator blogger extracted another NGO name that goes by the name Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture (Madpet).

Malaysiakini as reported by Andrew Ong & Hon Yi Wen on Aug 14, 07 3:43pm : Mat Taib inciting ‘explosive' racial riots?
Is Umno information chief Muhammad Muhd Taib inciting the recurrence of racial riots on a scale not seen since May 13, 1969? Two NGOs certainly believe so.
-> Comments after Umno meeting
-> ‘Listen to critics’

Indeed, such a statement about "riot" is not surprising if it comes from the mouth of UMNO Information Chief, Muhammad Muhammad Taib. After all, Ronnie Liu made a police report about Dr. Ng Seng's seditious posting on Office of the Prime Minister's Office site . Tony Pua lodged another police report about KPMU's (U of UMNO) Shocking View on Christianity. Tihs blogger has yet to hear any statements in reaction from component parties of Barisan Nasional (led by UMNO), MCA and MIC on these reports.

Speaking to reporters later, Madpet representative urged the police to take immediate action against Muhammad in view of their speedy investigations and eight-hour marathon interrogation of blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin.

Police responded to Muhammad Muhammad Taib's reports against Raja Petra within two days. This blogger has not received any news updates on police's responses on Ronnie Liu's report against Office of the Prime Minister's Office and Tony Pua's report against KPMU ( U of UMNO ) even though more than two days have passed.

No action was taken on Raja Petra as he had not written any article on 11th July.

If there is any truth in the allegations by the 2 NGOs claiming the "Incitement of Racial Riot by Muhammad Muhammad Taib", the police and Internal Security Minister should take immediate action.

Since the instalment of Internal Security Act (ISA) is made to curb such riots, the right time to exercise it would be during "an incitement on racist basis". Otherwise ISA should be abolished. No exceptions or special treatment should be given to any political affiliation.

I am trying very hard to be optimistic that double standards do not exist in Malaysia.

REPORT 2: Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad: Police Report on "Bloggers will be put to sleep" SMS Lodged

On 1st August 2007, Monday, Datuk Ruhanie received a set of SMS from an anonymous person using the nickname "Hamba Allah".

Linked 1/2:
Just 4 bloggres whoever there ard w’ever shall be given stern warning drastic. Bloggers must realise they successfully been identified even will be put to sleep.
Sender: +60163929760
Sent: 1-Aug-2007, 15:53:29

Linked 2/2:
... Watch ur step take a good rest, good sleep, maybe after this u will be helpless, hopeless.
Sender: +60163929760
Sent: 1-Aug-2007, 15:53:54

To illustrate his point, Datuk Ruhanie reformed the statement into a more comprehensible form without changing its original meaning:

Linked 1/2:
Bloggres whoever and wherever they are shall be given stern warning and drastic action. Bloggers must realise that they have successfully been identified. They even will be put to sleep.

Linked 2/2:
... Watch your step, take a good rest and good sleep. May be, after this you will become helpless and hopeless.

This blogger thanks Datuk Ruhanie for being courageous. Datuk Ruhanie is not only worried about the safety of himself and people related to him. He was concerned of the security of thousands of Malaysian bloggers @ Citizens of Malaysia. Extension of gratitude to President of AllBlogs Ahiruddin Attan (Rocky's Bru) for accompanying and advice. Social service for netizens, nations and citizens well done !

POTENTIAL POLICE REPORT: Hamizi Hamdan: Victim of False Blog
Another person with the nickname "hamba Allah" (ironically) created a false blog using the e-mail of Hamizi Hamdan. Hamizi Hamdan has this to say:

" Seorang hamba Allah telah membina sebuah blog dengan meggunakan nama saya sebagai alamat blognya yang dinamakan PENDENDAM. Alamat blog baru itu adalah / .

Di dalam blog itu dipaparkan foto saya yang telah didownload dari blog-blog saya sendiri untuk memberikan gambaran seolah-olah blog baru itu adalah milik saya. Hamba Allah tersebut juga menggunakan alamat e-mail sebagai cara menghubungi penulis blog berkenaan.

Penyalahgunaan nama dan gambar saya seperti ini boleh membawa implikasi negatif kepada diri saya jika blog berkenaan memuatkan sebarang bentuk posting mengandungi unsur-unsur hasutan, provokasi atau perkauman. Kandungan blog itu juga berbahaya kepada saya jika memuatkan maklumat-maklumat yang dilindungi oleh Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA). Ini semua boleh menyebabkan saya dipersalahkan oleh pihak berkuasa.

Sagaladoola's note:
Calling All Malaysian Bloggers to be cautious !

I see this as an experiment to evaluate whether Malaysian bloggers who 'do not toe the line' can be framed and ISA-ed, OSA-ed or SA-ed. Malaysian bloggers, I am sure you know who are your friends and your enemies.

Do not hesitate to lodge a police report when you notice something fishy going on in your mails.

Such an underhanded tactic to destroy someone. All he / she needs to do is open up a blog, make the interface to look like his / her enemy, post some offensive and seditious messages, make a police report. Voila, your enemy lands you in jail.

I will urge Hamizi to lodge a report even though "hamba Allah" may remove the false blog later .

Be careful Malaysian Bloggers ! This is a dark day for all of us .... but every cloud has a silver lining .....

Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Malaysia Today !

Sagaladoola wishes ( ) Malaysia Today's founder Raja Petra Kamarudin, editors, writers, commenters, readers, bloggers a Happy 3rd Anniversary.

Years pass by without us realising how far we have walked. Malaysia Today have walked a long way, from a website with a registered domain into a self-sustaining (technically) news portal. Currently, Malaysia Today closes in on The Star online, its only rival in cyberspace.

There are some good reasons to celebrate and rejoice. On this important day, let's evaluate the positive aspects Malaysia Today has given to the nation:

1) A platform for Malaysian citizens to discuss issues in articles.

2) Important news that do not appear in mainstream media.

3) A place for Malaysian Bloggers @ Citizens to convey their views in "Around the Blogs" and "Letters" section.

4) Analysis on socio-political happenings in Malaysia.

5) Evaluations on certain articles in the Constitution.

6) Promote understanding between people of different race and religion.

7) Calling citizens to respect the Federal Constitution, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Malaysian royal families and Islam as the official religion.

8) Inspire Malaysians to speak up and look for solutions to existing national problems.

9) Instil nationalism among Malaysians and a hope for change towards a better future.

10) Allow alternative evaluations and views on historical context.

11) Supports transparency, accountability and revocation or reforms of draconian laws.

12) Giving "a voice" to Malaysians regardless of political affiliation.

Despite being severely attacked by Cybertroopers and faced with mind-boggling police reports, Malaysia Today has managed to survive through it all. If 13th of May is a reminder of the dark days of racial clashes, let 13th of August be the day of understanding between multi-cultural Malaysia.

May news portals such as Malaysia Today ( ), Malaysiakini ( ) and Merdeka Review ( ) continue to bring more breaking news to the community.

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Malaysia Today ! ... and ... thank you for everything.

Sagaladoola's note: We Walk with Malaysia Today stickers are ready for distribution.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Police Reports and Hamba Allah's Phone Number

IPD Dang Wangi is very busy and famous (or infamous) these days.

First, Nathaniel Tan was wrongfully arrested under OSA. 2 Candlelight vigils followed. Even Anwar Ibrahim and various political leaders and NGO leaders came by. Then there were 2 UMNO's police report against Raja Petra of Malaysia Today by its Information Chief, Muhammad Muhammad Taib. Famous bloggers such as Ahiruddin Attan, Zorro Unmasked was there to lend support to Raja Petra.

A few days after, Ronnie Liu made a police report about Dr. Ng Seng's seditious posting on Office of the Prime Minister's Office site. A few days later, Raja Petra's wife was called in for questioning. Marina Mahathir came. While bloggers are painstakingly blogging about all those events, Tony Pua lodged another police report ( Malaysiakini ) about KPMU's (U of UMNO) Shocking View on Christianity.

Not even Malaysians in overseas were spared. A student landed himself in trouble for YouTube rap. The person studying in Taiwan that goes by the nickname, Namewee wrote a song based on the national anthem and named it "Negarakuku". There was an intention to lodge a police report. It is not clear whether it will be in IPD Dang Wangi.

Discounting all the police reports, bloggers @ Malaysia citizens were called all sorts of names by politicians. Goblok, bodoh, monyet, unemployed women among a few. There were even mentions of draconian laws such as ISA to be employed. UMNO recruited cybertroopers. Forums run a plenty.

All that happened in less than two months. Imagine most bloggers having a day-time job and struggling to write blogs and participating in all these events ! If one say the election is not near, this blogger and I believe a number of others will find it hard to believe.

Not having time to blog every single police reports, Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad of Gerbang Ruhanie stated that he will be making another one. Perhaps, IPD Dang Wangi?

It is indeed serious and I support his move to lodge a report. Read Here for more and HERE on Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad's Blog, "Gerbang Ruhanie".
" Someone using the hand-phone (60) 16-3929760, calling himself/ herself as "Hamba Allah" sent an SMS to Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad, with a threatening message, "BLOGGERS WILL BE PUT TO SLEEP" "

Malaysians Unplugged Uncensored echoed a call for help to track down this person with the aforementioned handphone number.

I hereby call all bloggers to inform Datuk Ruhanie if any useful information is obtained.

Khairy in America, To Hound or Not To Hound ?

Segment 1
Umno is not racist, says Khairy according to The Star on Monday, August 6, 2007

Key points extracted from the article:
1) Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaludin has refuted allegations by the Opposition that the movement practises racism.

2) “I don’t understand how the accusation come about – calling us racist. In fact, Umno always emphasises on the power-sharing concept and history has proven it."

3) How can we be racist, when we are defending equality?

Segment 2
However, few days before the statements above, Khairy purportedly mentioned that "Anwar is a traitor to Malay cause". The Star reported on Friday, August 3, 2007.

Such political accusation on Anwar Ibrahim, the ex-UMNO Youth president turned Opposition Party Leader Parti Keadilan Rakyat is understandable. After all, politics is all about rhetorics, perceptions and in-your-face claims. The most surprising part of all comes from an alleged link between Anwar, a foreign state and a foreign nation as stated by Khairy:

1) “Anwar is a PUPPET of the United States and the JEWS, thus HE MUST BE HOUNDED until there is NO MORE PLACE FOR HIM TO RUN TO,” he told a state UMNO YOUTH GATHERING on Wednesday night.

2) Among the 5,000 PEOPLE PRESENT were the wing’s former chief Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who is also Deputy Information Minister, and Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohd Tajol Rosli Ghazali.

From , the word "Hound" means:
7. to pursue or harass without respite
8. to incite to pursuit or attack; urge on.

From , the word "Racism" means :
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Segment 3
In a Malaysiakini letter, Dr Chris Anthony asked "Why bring in the Americans and Jews?"
" His motive is clear – to garner the support of the Malays for the election ....

... According to Anwar, the NEP only benefitted the rich Malays. The rich were getting richer and the vast majority of the Malays continue to remain poor. In fact, with the escalating cost of living they are getting poorer. What Anwar actually wanted was for the benefit of the Malays in general. Does that make him a traitor to his race? Why bring in the Americans and the Jews? ...

Analysis: Stereotyping and Immaturity
Dr Chris Anthony, (read above, Segment 3), staed that Anwar was probably striving for equality for the poor Malays. At the same time, the non-Malays should be assured that they will be treated fairly and have a place under the Malaysian flag. Such is the good concept of sharing.

It is unclear on how Khairy is "defending equality and not being racist" by relating Anwar with another race (the Jews) and therefore should be hounded. Does it justify that a person should be hounded if he or she sides with the Americans and Jews? What if the person supports good ideologies from the Americans such as freedom of speech, democracy and battle against corruption?

Condemning Anwar is understandable from the political context. Khairy is from a competing party. Why bring in the Americans, Jews and harp on such context?

Indeed, one cannot deny that America and certain Jews in this world have executed certain actions that are not good for the world community. There are corrupt Malays, Chinese and Indians in this world as well. Is it appropriate for us to stereotype that "All Malays are Corrupt", "All Chinese are Greedy" and "All Indians are Liars"? If you have a terrible boss who is a female, would you summarise that "All Female Bosses are Tyrant"? The 911 tragedy in US of A and several world cities were bombed by Muslims. Can we say "All Muslims are Terrorists?

We should not stereotype people just because of a few bad apples. Just there are bad Americans, bad Jews, bad female bosses, bad Muslims, bad Malays, Chinese and Indians, the good ones exist as well.

As a mature person, one should react based on issue. Immaturity leads to disaster.

Analysis: Hate America or Love America?
Khairy Jamaluddin describes his lovely "babymoon" in United States : The one and only... soon, please ( NST Online, 10 August, 2007 )

Read what he has to say about America in NST:

1) "Our "babymoon" took us to Japan, where I grew up, and then to Southern California which has the best weather in the world. "

Wow, now he thinks America is beautiful !

2) " So Mr Jobs, please iron out the kinks quick so that I can be true to myself and just have the iPhone as my one and only. "

Ohh, how sentimental, how touching, my one and only. Mr Steve Jobs, the owner of Apple and iPhone is an American.

Certainly ironic. Perhaps, Khairy forgot the powerful words he said a few days before his American vacation (Segment 2) : "Anwar is a PUPPET of the UNITED STATES and the JEWS, thus HE MUST BE HOUNDED until there is NO MORE PLACE FOR HIM TO RUN TO".

Khairy and his wife chose to have their vacation in the Land of America, where Jews abound and "puppets creator" run. Maybe, Khairy should look for the "Master of the Puppet". Solve the problem from the root. So, Khairy, to hound or not to hound?

Currently, this blogger has yet to read or hear any mainstream media highlighting any UMNO participants (5,000 attendees) condemn or express dissatisfaction over Khairy's shocking statements (Segment 2). Khairy is one of the most important leaders in UMNO Youth.

Readers can decide for themselves on this meaning of silence. Silence must be heard (Title of an song from New Age Dance musical project: Enigma)

Segment 4
Rocky Bru's site reported of an American reader exclaiming a "Revoke KJ's Visa" call. It was mentioned that this e-mail has been mailed to Malaysiakini with this important statement:

If Khairy strongly feels that towards Americans, then he should not be vacationing in the US and buying iPhones, which he recently bragged about in a newspaper article.

Srikanth Siva
Chicago, IL USA.

Happy "babymooning" !

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Merdeka Statement: Malays, Malaysia, Truly Asia

I chanced upon this headline in Malaysiakini :

Muslim outcry over ‘Merdeka Statement’
Aug 7, 07 1:28pm
Muslim groups have rounded on those behind the recently launched ‘Merdeka Statement’, saying the contents appear to be renegotiating the social contract and validating apostasy.
-> Non-bumi, no special rights
-> ‘Problematic and negative’

It seems that many blogs write about the Merdeka statement, but there were no links to its final copy. I made an effort to search using Google and found it.

Here it is: CPPS Merdeka Statement . The PDF can be accessed and downloaded.

As for the "issue of rights" and "social contract", I will not make any comments until I have read the Merdeka Statement in full. As for the subject of bumi and non-bumi categorisations, I happen to be surfing through the net and found this thought-provoking article.

Perhaps, readers can view and decipher it with an open mind.

05/08: Contesting Malayness
Category: General
Posted by: Raja Petra

Written by Michael Chick

It's been interesting to read such free-flowing comments on an all "Malaysian" free for all. While we are on the subject, how many of you have read the book entitled "Contesting Malayness"? Written by a Professor of National University of Singapore -- cost S$32 (about). It reflects the Anthropologists views that there is no such race as the "Malays" to begin with. If we follow the original migration of the Southern Chinese of 6,000 years ago, they moved into Taiwan, (now the Alisan), then into the Phillipines (now the Aeta), and moved into Borneo 4,500 years ago (Dayak). They also split into Sulawesi and progressed into Jawa, and Sumatera. The final migration was to the Malayan Peninsular 3,000 years ago. A sub-group from Borneo also moved to Champa in Cambodia 4,500 years ago.

Interestingly, the Champa deviant group moved back to present day Kelantan. There are also traces of the Dong Song and Hoa Binh migration from Vietnam and Cambodia. To confuse the issue, there was also the Southern Thai migration, from what we know as Pattani today. (see also "Early Kingdoms of the Indonesian Archipelago and the Malay Peninsular").

Of course, we also have the Minangkabau's which come from the descendants of Alexander the Great and a West Indian Princess. (Sejarah Melayu page 1-3)

So the million Dollar Question… Is there really a race called the "Malays"? All anthropologists DO NOT SEEM TO THINK SO.

Neither do the "Malays" who live on the West Coast of Johor. They'd rather be called Javanese. What about the west coast Kedah inhabitants who prefer to be known as " Achenese"? or the Ibans who simply want to be known as IBANS. Try calling a Kelabit a "Malay" and see what response you'll be so glad that their Head-Hunting days are over.

The definition of "Malay" is therefore simply a collection of people's who speak a similar type language. With what is meant by a similar type language does not mean that the words are similar. Linguists call this the "Lego-type" language, where words are added on to the root word to make meaning and give tenses and such. Somehow, the Indonesians disagree with this classification. They refuse to be called Malay. Anyhow you may define it. Watch "Malays in Africa "; a Museum Negara produced DVD. Also, the "Champa Malays" by the same.

With this classification, they MUST also include the Phillipinos, the Papua New Guineans, the Australian Aboroginies, as well as the Polynesian Aboroginies. These are of the Australo Melanesians who migrated out of Africa 60,000 years ago.

Getting interesting? Read on....

"Malay" should also include the Taiwanese singer "Ah Mei" who is Alisan as her tribe are the anscestors of the "Malays". And finally, you will need to define the Southern Chinese (Funan Province) as Malay also, since they are from the same stock 6,000 years ago.

( A-Mei and the Alisan tribe )

( A-Mei, Taiwanese Queen of Pop, made it on the cover of Time magazine. Is she a Towering "Alisan" Malay? )

Try calling the Bugis a "Malay". Interestingly, the Bugis, who predominantly live on Sulawesi are not even Indonesians. Neither do they fall into the same group as the migrating Southern Chinese of 6,000 years ago nor the Australo Melanesian group from Africa .

Ready for this?

The Bugis are the cross-breed between the Chinese and the Arabs. (for your information, a runaway Ming Dynasty official whom Cheng Ho was sent to hunt down). Interestingly, the Bugis were career Pirates in the Johor-Riau Island areas. No,w the nephew of Daeng Kemboja was appointed the First Sultan of Selangor. That makes the entire Selangor Sultanate part Arab, part Chinese! Try talking to the Bugis Museum curator near Kukup in Johor. Kukup is located near the most south-western tip of Johor. (Due south of Pontian Kechil).

Let's not even get into the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekiu, and Hang Lekir, who shared the same family last name as the other super famous "Hang" family member....Hang Li Poh. And who was she? She was the princess of a Ming Dynasty Emperor who was sent to marry the Sultan of Malacca. Won't that make the entire Malacca Sultanate downline "Baba "? Since the older son of the collapsed Malaccan Sultanate got killed in Johor, (the current Sultanate is the downline of the then, Bendahara) the only other son became the Sultan of Perak. Do we see any Chinese-ness in Raja Azlan? Is he the descendant of Hang Li Poh?

Next question. If the Baba's are part Malay, why have they been marginalized by NOT BEING BUMIPUTERA? Which part of "Malay" are they not? Whatever the answer, why then are the Portugese of Malacca BUMIPUTERA? Did they not come 100 years AFTER the arrival of the first Baba's? Parameswara founded Malacca in 1411. The Portugese came in 1511, and the Dutch in the 1600's. Strangely, the Baba's are in fact once classified a Bumiputera, but a decided that they were strangely "declassified" in the 1960's. WHY?

The Sultan of Kelantan had similar roots to the Pattani Kingdommaking him of Thai origin. And what is this "coffee table book" by the Sultan of Perlis claiming to be the direct descendant of the prophet Muhammed? Somehow we see Prof Khoo Khay Khim's signature name on the book. I'll pay good money to own a copy of it myself. Anyone has a spare?

So, how many of you have met with orang Asli's? The more northern you go, the more African they look. Why are they called Negrito's? It is a Spanish word, from which directly transalates "mini Negros ". The more southern you go, the more "Indonesian" they look. And the ones who live at Cameron Highlands kinda look 50-50. You can see the Batek at Taman Negara , who really look like Eddie Murphy to a certain degree. Or the Negritos who live at the Thai border near Temenggor Lake (north Perak). The Mah Meri in Carrie Island look almost like the Jakuns in Endau Rompin -- half African, half Indonesian.

By definition, (this is super eye-opening) there was a Hindu Malay Empire in Kedah. Yes, I said right....The Malays were Hindu. It was, by the old name Langkasuka -- today known as Lembah Bujang. This Hindu Malay Empire was 2, 000 years old. Pre-dating Borrobudor AND Angkor Watt. Who came about around 500-600 years later. Lembah Bujang was THE mighty trading empire, and its biggest influence was by the Indians who were here to help start it. By definition, this should make the Indians BUMIPUTERAS too since they were here 2, 000 years ago! Why are they marginalized?

So, in a nutshell, the "Malays" (anthropologists will disagree with this "race" definition) are TRULY ASIA !!! (main continent and West Asia included ).

Article extracted from Malaysia Today . Alternatively, the full comment/article can be read at MindaCergas .

Sagaladoola's additional comment:
Perhaps, the Ministry of Tourism got it right for "Visit Malaysia 2007" campaign this time, Malaysia is "Truly Asia" was chosen as the motto. Let's hope "practise and preach" is considered as one.

Despite it all, I respect the Agong, the rest of the monarchy, Malays and Islam as the official religion as enshrined in the Malaysian Federal Constitution in principle with "Rukunegara", "Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara". It does not matter from which "line" one is descended from. Only nationality counts. Eradication of poverty regardless of race is a priority. Racial Discrimination will destroy the nation.

Hope all Malaysians (citizens and government) respect the Constitution too.

Posters for 31st August can be obtained from Mob's Crib. They can be used on blogs (with references to the creator)